
Energy-Saving Sewage

Energy-saving municipal and industrial wastewater treatment system 

Concentrated treatment of municipal sewage and industrial wastewater, intermediate water reuse
Since 2005, the Anyi Company actively participates in China's environmental protection construction and sets up joint ventures: Shanghai Angwei Environmental Ecological Engineering Co., LTD., Zhejiang Changxing Angwei Environmental Ecological Engineering Co., LTD., Zhejiang Changxing Lijiaxiang New Century Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Changxing Lincheng Water Quality Purification Co., Ltd. (owns Changxin Wushan Project) and Zhejiang Huzhou Shuanglin Water Purification Co., Ltd. Currently, Angwei Company is responsible for 5 BIT sewage treatment projects with total investment value up to RMB 0.1 billion. The total treatment volume is 100000 ton per day. All the projects are completed and put into operation which all meet discharging standard of Level 1 Grade A. 
Zhejiang Huzhou BOT/BOO sewage treatment projects

大方县| 文山县| 法库县| 田东县| 防城港市| 蕉岭县| 湾仔区| 梁河县| 南通市| 三都| 龙岩市| 淄博市| 莆田市| 盐津县| 南昌县| 阿拉善盟| 且末县| 临夏市| 通州区| 通许县| 德清县| 固原市| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 哈密市| 大余县| 大庆市| 杂多县| 资溪县| 普定县| 凯里市| 巩留县| 泰来县| 平邑县| 江门市| 工布江达县| 招远市| 内乡县| 黄梅县| 迭部县| 牡丹江市| 陵水|